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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Jennifer Cresse

Oh no lens broke!

Ok, so I am about halfway through a mediterranean cruise, and my lens wont work!!!!!! Well it will but not how I would like. Basically I was trying to bring less stuff so my husband would not whine. I brought my trusty 70-210 nikon zoom lens. Today we were at the pyramids, and now it won't zoom in or out. I think I got sand in the outer part of the lens. you know, the ring you turn to get the lens to zoom? Is there any way I can fix this or am I out of luck for the rest of the trip? Its 55 cents a minute to use internet so I cannot browse old questions and answers. Any feedback will be appreciated. I will check back in about 8 hours.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!
(i knew I should have brought all my lenses)
Jen Cresse

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June 22, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Unfortunately, right about now I'd guess you have about three choices:

Try and use the lens on manual focus. I've gotten sand in short Nikkor manual focus telephotos. It works its way past the lens mount and makes focusing difficult but still doable. I don't know what damage this might do to the focusing mechanism. My own lenses cleaned up well when I got them to a repair shop for cleaning, lube and adjustment. The grinding noise you may hear is only the sand being crunched in the barrel of the lens, not necessarily regrinding the glass in your lens.

Choice #2 it seems your husband could /should? pick up a phone and with credit card in hand, call B&H in NYC. Have them ship you a lower cost replacement lens (AND a suitable filter and lens shade to prevent the problem) via Fedex or UPS overnight to your next port of call, if that's even possible. It used to be they never shipped credit card orders to hotels.

#3 of course is to find a camera store in Cairo or some larger city and buy a new replacement lens that you can continue to use after you get home.
The current one can probably be cleaned by a competent repair shop.

Bon voyage.

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June 23, 2008

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