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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Monica Carlin

Camera Freezes

I have a Canon Powershot A640 that I've had for a couple of years now. Went to Costa Rica and the camera would start to "freeze" when on (couldn't get it to take a picture, the screen wouldn't move/view, would shut down, wouldn't turn on, etc). I would either wait for a couple of minutes and it would "reset" itself, or I would open the battery place and jiggle the batteries to clear the memory and reset it. I thought maybe the humidity, or some sand, etc., may have done something to it (but I tries to be VERY careful with it at the beach), but now (back home) after a couple of months it won't even turn on. I thought it may be my rechargable batteries, but I put regular new ones in and though it worked briefly, I went back to it a couple of weeks later and it's deader than dead and nothing works again. HELP! Do I need to send it in to get repaired? The cost of doing that is already at least 1/2 the cost of the camera. Would it be worth it? I am soooo fusterated!!!

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June 21, 2008


Alan N. Marcus
  Some unofficial marginal technical advice:
To repair or not to repair: Digital technology marches on. For my new “throw in the car not such a treasure” camera”, I just purchased a Canon 5S IS. Does most everything my heart desire and the cost is under $300. Plus it runs on 4 AA batteries. Has a zoom that won’t quite, lens is faster than most, image stabilization, 8MP, full automatic, fully manual, electronic viewfinder that works in bright sun, etc. I am completely satisfied.

Now for the cure for yours, maybe! Sometimes, with digital technology, the basic program goes nuts i.e. never never land. Sometimes, if you are very lucky, you can force a re-boot by removing the batteries. The problem is, likely some residual current remains, it might take days to completely dissipate. I have learned a trick – re-install the batteries backward and attempt to switch on. This act might – just might – neutralize the current in the circuitry. Now re-install fresh batteries and hope what I am telling you has some ring of truth.

Best of luck,

Alan Marcus

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June 21, 2008


Monica Carlin
  Alan: Alas, I was so excited to see your response and the suggestion for the "cure" to my problem; unfortunately the camera is dead, dead, dead, and refuses to turn on PERIOD with/without new batteries right side up AND backwards! I tried, but it died! May just have to buy the camera you suggested. Thank you so much for trying. Funeral plans pending... Monica Carlin

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June 22, 2008

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