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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Amber J. Skene

New Monitor and Calibration

So, please don't laugh at me. I just now discovered that I need to calibtate my monitor so that what I see will be close to what I get back from the lab. So, I think no problem. I usually have my prints done from mpix and have been REALLY happy except for when I try to do artistic pictures in PSE 5. So, through reading through forums, I have discovered that you cannot calibrate a laptop monitor properly. So, this is where I need help.

I need a monitor that I can hook up to my laptop and be able to calibrate. I have a Compaq Presario C714NR Notebook PC.

I also would like recommendations on Calibration software too!

I currently have PSE 5 if that matters and am using Wondows Vista.

Can you help me??? PLEASE!!!

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May 16, 2008


Amber J. Skene
  Okay, never mind. I now know I need a CRT monitor and not a LCD.

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May 16, 2008

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