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Photography Question 

Jeremy Case

Front Focusing on Nikon D50

When I try and autofocus with my D50 I always get blurry shots. I finally figured that it always is sharpest in front of whatever I focus on so I printed a autofocus test chart took a pic and found out my camera front focuses. It works fine manually. Now I don't manually focusing but there are times when you might want to autofocus. Has anyone else had this problem and knows what to do to fix front focusing? Besides sending in for repair hopefully?

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April 17, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  Unless you fix cameras on your own, there's nothing else to do but send it for repair.

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April 17, 2008


Pete H

This may sound ridiculous, and hopefully you have checked this already.

The D-50 like many DSLR's has user selectable focus points..AND I know the D-50 is unable to "lock" the focus point.
Did you accidentally bump the navigator wheel and move the focus point?


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April 17, 2008


Jeremy Case
  No, my camera just doesn't focus in the center when I use the center focus point, however when I use the top focus point, it focuses in the center. Thanks though. I guess I'll have to send it in.

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April 18, 2008


Samuel Smith
  well,the handholding thing.why with your knowledge of manual would you complain about auto.
cameras only capture by controls of the photographer.
wer'll see.

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April 20, 2008

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