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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Scott J. Chalmers

Rear Flash problem D80

Hi I have a nikon D80 - I've been trying some rear flash action (thats NOT a euphomism ;-) ) however the flash always fires when it opens and I have a settign wrong int eh camera somewhere?


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April 15, 2008


Jon Close
  The TTL auto flash exposure system of digital SLRs fire a low powered pre-flash before the shutter opens and the mirror flips up. This pre-flash is measured by the camera's meter to determine the actual flash power needed when the shutter is open (the second flash).

With 1st curtain sync the 2 flashes are so close together that they are perceived as a single flash. With 2nd curtain sync it is easy to see the 2 separate firings.

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April 15, 2008

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