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BetterPhoto Member

Help reqd with Canon Powershot A95

I've been using Canon's Powershot A95 for a quite a while now. The other day I noticed a strange thing while taking pictures at a family get-together.

All pictures I take are appearing with fine thin lines running horizontally across the frame - almost static-like. You can barely even make out what the image is. In lower lighting levels and "wide" zoom the image turns reddish but with the same lines running across it, obscuring the image. This does not show up on the lcd while framing/taking the pic.

This is happening regardless of shooting mode - Auto, manual, scene setting.

The video function however works just fine.

Have even tried resetting the picture settings to default - this didn't help either. Not sure whether its a problem with a particular setting or a equipment/software malfunction ?

Anyone got any ideas on resolving this ? Any and all suggestions are welcome :-)

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March 17, 2008

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
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  There were some sensor problems with many cameras a couple of years ago that hit many makes of camera. Contact Canon about what's happening and ask if it could be a sensor. Sony replaced mine free when it went was doing almost the same thing as yours, but not quite that bad. Worth a try anyway.

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March 17, 2008


Jon Close
  The A95, along with many other brands/models, had a defective CCD from Sony. Canon issued a Service Notice on their affected cameras back in October 2006.
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March 19, 2008


Jon Close
  Oops, bad link. Here is the link to Canon's Servic Notice: LINK

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March 19, 2008

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