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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Steve Canali

Importing to Lightroom

Hi all,I'm having great problems trying to import RAW immages into Adobe Lightroom. I get to import photos window, select my photos,but when I hit import--the messages very from:" couldn't find a place to store pictures", to " Could not find any photos." In file handling, I've tried diff. options like " copy photos as dng+ import" etc., the area where pictures are suppose to appear has dark blank squares that are all checked, but no photos. Could someone walk me through just the import page? I'm using Vista, if that matters. Thanks to all of you for taking time to share your knowledge. Steve.

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February 23, 2008


Neels Kriek
  Hi Steve,

Well it seems as if you might have multiple problems here, so lets try to tackle them one by one:

1. What location is set for your catalogue storage? (Edit>Preferences>General Tab>Go to Catalogue Settings) I once had mine set to a removable drive which caused me endless problems.

2. Are you importing direct from camera via USB or do you use a card reader? Do you use import from disk or import from devices?


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March 13, 2008

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