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Photography Question 

Carin Griffith

Wrinkled Backdrop

  Bad Wrinkles!
Bad Wrinkles!

Carin Griffith

I bought a backdrop from Sky High (12x20 ecru-color muslin) and can't seem to get it to look right. Attached is a photo to show ... I like the wrinkled look on the floor around the little boy, but the background (hanging on the wall) looks like a "bad wrinkle", not a "good wrinkle." Please help me! I have a spendy backdrop that I can't use because it looks BAD! Thanks for any advice!!

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February 10, 2008


Debby A. Tabb
My suggestion to you is the same as I keep mine. Steam or iron the backdrop and then, when not in use, roll it up either onto a backdrop system roller or by itself. if by itself, then roll again somewhat like rolling a cinnamon roll and store. This should help,
Have fun,

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February 11, 2008


Cyn Valentine
  Try Downy Wrinkle Releaser while it's hanging ... works on mine. Most of the wrinkles will soften out.

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February 11, 2008


Mark Small
  Try using a small fan (or an assistant with a sizeable piece of card board) to create some movement in the muslin and shoot at a slower shutter speed.

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February 12, 2008


David E. Bunkofske
  If you have photoshop You can remove wrinkle very easy With clone or Blur tool

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February 12, 2008


  I use washable muslin backgrounds. I spray mine with the wrinkle releaser as sugested then clamp and streatch the fabric in about 4-5 places on either side. Also I pose my subjects 6 plus feet from the back and use the lowest f stop.
I do most of my shooting on location. So I do have a portable backdrop stand.

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February 12, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hey David, Maybe PS CS4 will have an Iron Tool ;)

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February 12, 2008


Angie Ray
  I usually resort to fixing the issue via photoshop in post-production. ;)

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February 12, 2008


Carin Griffith
  Thanks for everyone's advice!! I appreciate it! I'll try a few of the suggestions!!

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February 12, 2008


Bruce A. Dart
Many of my muslin backdrops I stretch from side to side with spring clamps to take a lot of that out. The other ideas are good as well. Like any background, including outdoor, keeping your subject as far as possible (most times possible is not much)from it and trying to keep it out of focus also helps. the rest I also have to fix in photoshop. Rolling the backgrounds to put them away also helps but it depends on your storage area. Folding them does NOT work as the fold creases are much more evident than a uniformly wrinkled background. You will probably find that as photographers we are more critical of that than most of our customers are!! Best wishes.

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February 12, 2008


James B. Hewin
If you are using studio lighting, try lighting the background stronger than the lighting on your subject in the foreground, and meter for the subject. This will wash out most if not all of the wrinkles to pure white. If there are still a few wrinkles left, you can then clean them up with Photoshop fairly easily.

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February 13, 2008


Beth Verser
  It could be costly but I have taken mine to the cleaners before and had them pressed then after I rolled them. If it is very big it is worth the money to not have to press it yourself.

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February 19, 2008


Beth Verser
  It could be costly but I have taken mine to the cleaners before and had them pressed then after I rolled them. If it is very big it is worth the money to not have to press it yourself.

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February 19, 2008

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