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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Dawn Cagle

Is my flash dying????

I have noticed that my flash (sigma ef500 dg st) is taking longer and longer to recharge,sometimes it completely locks up. Fresh baterries don't seem to help. Is it dying? Please, say it's time to upgrade!

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January 27, 2008


Christopher A. Walrath
  I am not familiar with the Sigma, but I had an old Vivitar 3800 and slow recharge was a precourser to its demise. Don't take it as gospel, but . . .

Thank you

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January 28, 2008


Samuel Smith
  well dawn,if all your contacts and connections are clean and free of corrosion,eliminate cold weather,and age,ya might be beating a dead horse.
according to the spca ya can't beat a live horse?
filament in the bulb worn out?

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January 28, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Here's a quick test: Take the AC adapter cord, if you have one, and remove the batteries. Fire off a test shot at full power and check the recharge speed. If it recycles quickly, the problem is probably in the battery recharge circuit. If it recharges slowly or not at all, it's probably the thyrister circuit. A battery circuit might be easily fixable with a transister or capacitor.

A thyrister? I dunno. Try forming the capacitors by repeatedly recycling the flash to full power on batteries and then discharging it several times. If it won't come up to power that way, I'd either toss the thing or use it on AC power adapter only.

As a replacement, I'd recommend a Vivitar 285HV as a good replacement since they'll work off 4 A/A batteries or a separate power pack like a Quantum Turbo or even just an AC converter. I've had one for about 14 years and its never given me a bit of grief. Works great, costs less than $100 bucks new (but like everything else that works [cause they don't get to sell replacements very often] Vivitar quit making them a couple of years ago.) ;>((
Take it light.
OK, time for sing along (again)
"A horse is a horse of course of course ..."

"Willllllllllburrrrrrr, get down to the barn...I thin you got some esplaining to doooooooooooo !!!"

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January 29, 2008


Samuel Smith
some don't think shots are taken at minimal disrespect,even not the intent,humor.
that file of being wrong is getting awful thick?

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January 29, 2008

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