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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Junelle Rhodes

Fuji Finepix S5800 and Radio Slave

  product image example
product image example

Junelle Rhodes

Ok, I am new at this. I am wanting to do some product photography (as attached) and saw this

for lighting but it has a radio slave and I have no idea if it will attach to my camera. I would love some advice if this is worth it or if not what someone recommends! I can't go over $500.00.

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January 26, 2008


John H. Siskin
  Hi Junelle,
Yes a radio slave will probably attach to your camera, but that does not mean it will work with your camera. I can’t find any info on the Fuji S5800, so I can’t be sure. Radio slaves fit into hot shoes; most cameras have these. The problem is that you will need to be able to control the camera manually, and you will need to turn off any pre flash that the camera might use for focus or red-eye reduction. The strobe system you picked is very cheap and so probably not reliable. If you are going to do a lot of product photography it might make sense to invest in good equipment and education, but if you need one or two images hire someone with skills in this specialty. If you have never done product photography just buying strobe gear will not give you quality photography.
Thanks, John Siskin

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January 26, 2008

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