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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

No Photo Taken When Shutter Release Is Pressed

I just bought a Nikon D80, which I'm using with a Nikkor 85mm 1.8. This is for headshot photography which I'm just breaking into. I was taking some test shots this morning. Through the viewfinder it looked like it was in focus, but for the life of me I could not get that camera to take the shot when I pressed the shutter release button. What am I doing wrong? The lighting appeared to be good. I was shooting at an Aperture Priority of 1.8.

Thank you!!

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January 19, 2008


Sharon Day
  Are you getting a green light in the viewfinder indicating the shot is locked in focus? Also check your camera body and lens to make sure it's not set on manual.

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January 19, 2008


Sharon Day
  Actually if both the camera and body is in manual it should fire. I'm not sure it will fire if just one or the other is on manual.

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January 19, 2008


  Chances are you've got the camera and lens set to auto focus, and the lens isn't able to focus on your subject which will cause the camera to not take the photo. If you're using auto focus, you will get a green light in the viewfinder letting you know that the subject is in focus. If you set both the camera and lens to manual focus, your problem should be fixed. If the lens won't focus automatically, try backing up and see what happens.

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January 19, 2008

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