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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Amber J. Skene

putting pictures on a cd question

Hello everyone!!

I have a question, and I just can't seem to find the answer. Okay this is what I did. I run a daycare and I took photos of the kids. I editted them in PSE 5 and burned them to a CD as a Christmas gift for the parents. Well, now the parents are having problems with uploading them to print them online or have a local photo lab printing them. One of the parents said something about a "read only CD."

What did I do wrong and how can I fix this?


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December 31, 2007


robert G. Fately
  Well, Amber, it's hard to say what you did wrong as such - though the "read only" statement is moot - basic CDs ARE "read only" - that is, once you've burned one you can't go back and record more data on that specific CD (RW-'Read/Write' CD's allow for multiple turns at writing to and erasing from the disc. So that most certainly is not the issue.

However, it is possible that the file format you used to save the edited photos is one that the parents' software cannot read - did you use JPEG or TIF or PSD (Photoshop's proprietary format) or something else? If you used PSD and the parent doesn't have Photoshop, then the files will not be readable by the computer.

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December 31, 2007


Amber J. Skene

I used JPEG and the parents can view the CD on their home computer, but they tried to take them to walmart to have them printed and they couldn't print the pictures. My husband and I also had a problem with this, but we thought it was the place's error on not being able to read the CD because the CD worked on all 3 of our computers here but not theirs. I must be doing something wrong, I just don't know what.

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December 31, 2007


robert G. Fately
  Well, Amber, the only thing I can think of is that perhaps the CD was near its limit of images - sometimes certain CD reading devices will have difficulty.

A CD is recorded from the center out - opposite of a old-fashioned vinyl record. I have found that sometimes, if I burn a CD almost to its technical limit, that some (not all) CD reading devices are not able to read the disc - perhaps because the laser read head is not able to move quite far enough towards the edge of the disc. We're talking a matter of microns here, so this is nothing you could see visually. You say your computers can read the CDs, but some others cannot - why not try to reburn another CD with a few less images rather than taking it to the limit (if indeed this is what you had done before).

Hope that helps. Oh, and happy new year too!

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