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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Simon A. Velu

Is my camera damaged??

Hello! I have a Nikon D50. Recently, I've noticed that there is a small black line in the same spot on almost evey picture I've taken regardless of which lens I use. This black mark is located on the middle right hand side of my photos and is very noticable. I though it was dust so I cleaned it over and over but it still remains. I uploaded a picture to give a better idea. Can you please tell me if my camera has a defect or if it's probably someting that is easy to fix

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December 30, 2007


Irene Troy
  Hi Simon - your image did not load; however, have you tried cleaning your sensor? You said that you cleaned "it" over and over, but what is "it"? If you are just cleaning your lenses, then it may be a spot on your sensor. If you have dusted the sensor, but not used cleaning fluid, you might have a "welded" piece of dust on the sensor. Try cleaning your sensor again and see if the spot remains. There are a number of cleaning fluids specfic to sensors - I use Sensor Clean from Visible Dust and it works quite well.


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December 30, 2007


Simon A. Velu
  Damage or dust??
Damage or dust??

Simon A. Velu

I cleaned the mirror on the inside and the object that looks like a flash ontop of it...not camera savvy as you can see. I don't want to be charged $400 to repair so I'm hoping it need just a cleaning

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December 30, 2007

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