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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Very Hot Camera Batteries

My camera (Minolta Maxxum 5000) quit working. I've noticed that the battery pack gets very hot ... so hot that the batteries are untouchable. Has anyone ever had this kind of problem? Can anyone advise me what to do? Thanks!

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December 28, 2007


Jon Close
  Overheating of the batteries is due to either faulty batteries (try replacing them), or perhaps a problem in the camera that it is attempting to draw too much current from them.

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December 29, 2007


Nancy Donnell
  Hi Carl, I know this won't help you, because you are talking about your camera battery recharger, but didn't want you to feel alone out there. I have a rechargeable system for some Energizer double A's that I tried rechargeing last month. Two, one one side of charger were so hot, I was worried about using them. Didn't know if it was the slot in the battery recharger, or the battery itself, so I put an X on both, so I wouldn't use that section, or that battery. Haven't tried a test since.

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January 03, 2008

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