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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Tammy Espino

Canon Power shot G9

It's not really a problem just a question. I just bought the canon g9 and I know this can't be a good thing, but could not find the image in the book on what this was. Went out yesterday & in the left hand bottom corner a red house image appeared? What was it and what did it mean?

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December 13, 2007


Jon Close
  The house symbol is used to indicate the Home time zone, and Airplane is for an alternate time zone when traveling. I'm not sure, but I think it normally appears in the upper left when you have selected to display all shooting information. Guessing, but maybe appearing red in the lower left might be prompting you to set a home time zone if you haven't already.

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December 13, 2007


Tammy Espino
  Thank you so much Jon! It was early when I posted that and I appreciate your help on the newness of this camera for me :)

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December 13, 2007

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