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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

lens adapter

I have a canon eos rebel xsn and a kimunor 500mm-f lens but I need to know which adapter I need to buy. I have one but its for an older version of canon that used to belong to my father. where can I get one.

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December 11, 2007


Jon Close
  I assume your father's older version of canon is a manual focus camera with the FL or FD mount. Does the Kimunor lens have a screw-mount and a separate adapter for using it on the Canon FD mount? If so, its screw mount is likely the ubiquitous Pentax M42 (42mm diameter, 1mm pitch threads), also called the universal screw mount. You simply need to get an M42 to EOS adapter to use instead.

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December 12, 2007

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