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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Julie Wall

Canon EF 35-70 mm Macro Zoom Lens

Hi, all...

Do any of you know where I might be able to obtain a user manual for the above lens? I acquired this lens not to long ago, used, and a hair foggy. I'm not terribly impressed by the macro setting, but this is a type of lens I've not used before, so I'm fairly certain it's my inexperience and not the lens.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as always.


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December 01, 2007


Jon Close
  EF 35-70 f/3.5-4.5? There's not much need for a manual. What particular function are you needing instruction?
Re: "a hair foggy" - Some samples would help. Are the lens elements clear and clean? Offhand, I'd say remove the UV protector filter if you're using one, and use the lens hood if you aren't already.

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December 01, 2007


Julie Wall
  Hi, Jon...

I killed all the foggy shots from the memory card when I first shot them, as I didn't think to keep them.

The first thing I did was clean all the glass I could get my hands on, as it was filthy...smudged, etc. Used my lens pen.

Not using a filter on this lens, but don't currently have a lens hood the size of the lens. I'll put the lens on the cam and upload a photo or two so you can see what I mean.

The reason I thought maybe I was the issue and not the lens is because the macro doesn't seem a whole lot different than the regular setting. I'm also having issues using autofocus with the macro setting, and like I said, this lens is different than the ones I already have.

Give me a bit to take a couple test shots and reduce 'em for upload.

I appreciate your response, and the help!


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December 03, 2007

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