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Scanning negatives

I want to scan my old wet-photography negatives into my computer. The problem is, there is a curvature on the negative and the scanners I have looked at only support the negative on the edges. They do not hold the neg in place between glass plates in a carrier.Do you know of a scanner that will keep the negs flat or, how can I flatten them?

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October 28, 2007


doug Nelson
  This is a problem for all of us who scan film. I have used Nikon and other dedicated 35mm film scanners that lay two halves of the neg carrier over the edges of the neg, holding it fairly flat. Some carriers have bars across the film strip right between the film frames that further help hold the film flat. What inherent depth of field there is in the optical system may take care of the curvature that remains.

You might try to flatten these negs using the old heavy-as-hell books method.

If you're going to be using a flatbed scanner, take a look at That site owner sells neg holders that may be better than the original equipment holders.

Glass on both sides of the neg has been tried, but there's a problem of ring-shaped artifacts and reflective problems associated with glass.

Finally, check out Dig around in their achives in Digital Darkroom.

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October 29, 2007


doug Nelson
  I just dug around in Doug Fisher there sells a double-glass ANR (anti-Newton's rings) holder which may work on an Epson flatbed for severely curved 35mm neg strips.

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October 29, 2007



Thank you so much - I really appreciate you taking the time to respond.


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October 29, 2007

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