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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Kimberly C. Lewis

Photography Business

I am attempting to start a photography business, but I have so much to learn. Everyone loves my photos but, I know technically they are not that great. I have been paid three times for my work. I am using a Nikon D50 and I don't want to upgrade my camera until I get more work and learn more. Is it bad to take money when I am not using a a top line pro camera?

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October 27, 2007


Debby A. Tabb
There is a thread here on Studio Photography, where you can watch others as they research, and devise a plan for thier own business.
The "studio Photography threads" then go on to view others and thier advertising, changes in plans and thier sucesses.
I think it's a great place to start:
Thread #1 of 23 parts:

Wishing you the very best in your venture,
Debby Tabb

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October 28, 2007

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