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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Elizabeth A. Cline

My Battery

I own a Kodak P850. I am happy with it most of the time, but my battery drains like crazy. I'm about to by two or more back up batteries, but if there is another way to make it last longer I would love to know.


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September 09, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Greetings Liz. Welcome to BP
Take a look at Underdog batteries from Jon Falk. They're extremely reliable and durable whether you're a pro or not.
Take it light ;>)

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September 09, 2007


Elizabeth A. Cline
  So, I take it getting a couple back up's is a good idea.
Thank you for the link.


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September 10, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Well, yes and no Elizabeth. While having a back-up power source is always a good idea, you should also make sure that your flash can keep up with your demand for recycling without stressing out its internal electronics.
Others can keep up with the demand but the power sources can't. For that particular problem, Underdog batteries, among other auxilliary power supply systems, work great.

Some flash units have overheat protection circuits that may the flash itself from recycling in high-use situations like weddings, parties, etc. Separate power packs may help in those situations but may not always depending on whether the flash itself stops demanding power as it cools off from overuse. See what I mean? You might need to consider getting either a back-up flash and an auxilliary power source. Also take a look at for Quantum light products and power sources.
And you're quite welcome. :>))
Be well

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September 10, 2007


Elizabeth A. Cline
  Once again I thank you. I try not to use the flash unless I have to because it does drain the battery like crazy.
I will take a look at what you have sugested.
Thanks again!


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September 15, 2007

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