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Photography Question 

Colleen Farrell

specks inside D70s viewfinder

I'm getting more and more specks inside my viewfinder. They really are beginning to bother me. I can clone out the specks that are on my sensor (or, one of these days, wet-clean the sensor) but how do I get rid of viewfinder specks short of having Nikon do it? I've been searching on the web for info and have seen a few comments about removing the viewfinder, but not a lot of details. And I'm scared to start yanking on this thing without knowing what I'm doing. Oh, and I lost the big rubber eye-cup thing that originally attached to the viewfinder long ago.

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September 05, 2007


Todd Bennett

Cleaning the outside of the viewfinder is nothing more than cleaning a lens. More than likely you are seeing specs on the focus screen inside the camera (dust). The focus screen has a very sensitive coating that is easily scratched. Others on here may tell you that it is easily cleaned; but, if I can't blow the dust off with a bulb blower, I choose to take it to a local camera shop and have it cleaned professionally. I've scratched one and while it wasn't too expesive to replace, it would have been a good bit cheaper to have the camera cleaned.

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September 05, 2007


Colleen Farrell
  Thanks for the response, Todd--yes, you're right, it was the focusing screen I was reading about, and one person said he'd scratched it trying to clean it. Unfortunately, there's no camera shop near me that I can take this to. (Well, there is one, but I saw them "cleaning" a camera and ... it wasn't pretty. LOL)

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September 05, 2007

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