BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Cindy Wibowo

Why my Camera's LCD monitor flickering ?

I just bought a contionuous light 150 watt. I'm an Ebay seller.

But, when I use this continuous light My LCD monitor on my Canon Powershot Pro1 become "flickering". And it made my eyes tired & pain.

Question :
Anybody know what continuous light which is NOT flicker on the LCD monitor ? And where to buy online and ship worldwide ?

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September 04, 2007


Jon Close
  Continuous lighting isn't really continuous. Because it is run off alternating current, it goes dim and bright 60 times a second. Similarly, the LCD display is not continuous, but like any video is a stream of still pics changed at maybe 30 times a second (the actual shutter speed used is faster than 1/30 second). At shutter speeds faster than the 1/60 second cycle of the alternating current, the video captures both dim and bright ends of the cycle, hence the flicker. So long as the shutter speed is 1/60 or longer the camera will capture the full light cycle. I don't know if there is any way to control the shutter speed used in the video display, other than maybe via the ISO. Selecting the lowest ISO may )or may not) force longer shutter speeds used in the video LCD display.

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September 04, 2007

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