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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Donna Sierk

Epson 2200

This may or may not be an acceptable question at this site. However, I am desperate for information, so I am asking everywhere.

I am looking for a continuous ink supply system for my Epson 2200 printer to mitigate going broke buying the inadequate little cartridges. I have found some systems, BUT I can't find any reviews or comments from users on how well they work, how good or bad the inks are, or how to deal with printer profiles and papers using the system(s).

If anyone can give comments or point me to actual experienced users who can comment, I'd apprecieate it immensely!

Thank you!

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August 30, 2007


Dot K.
  I'm not real sure what you mean by systems, if you're speaking of the type where you refill the cartridges yourself. My understanding of those type is that if you spill any ink at all it wont come out of whatever you spill it on, and it just doesn't work as well.

And now that you got me thinking about cheaper ink, I remember my neighbor mentioning someplace online he buys from, and another friend of mine buys from there as well, both are real happy with both the service and prices. I'll email my friend and get a link to the place. Will post it here as soon as I get an answer.

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September 01, 2007


Dot K.
  Sorry to take so long on getting back to your question. Here's a web site a couple friends of mine seem to realy like

I haven't tried the ink from them, but it looks like it is priced well, nd my neighbor is happy with it, but he's not doing any profesional type printing either.

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September 16, 2007


John H. Siskin
  Hi Donna,
I had a system for this printer from Media Street it worked like, insert swear word, and caused the early death of the printer. Support was completely inadequate. Don’t buy at any price.
Thanks, John Siskin

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September 17, 2007

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