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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Mary C. Casey

Shutter curtain damage?

I bought my husband a Nikon F6. He has only taken five shots so far, and yet has noticed a curvilinear scratch on the shutter curtain on the right hand side near a small lever. It looks like a wear mark; but I am very surprised it already has a groove from just 5 shots. Should I send the camera back to Nikon? Does anyone else have this problem?

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August 02, 2007


Alan N. Marcus
  Hi Mary,

Sorry your husband's camera shutter has a scratch.

No one can give a definitive answer without examining the camera. I advise taking it to a camera shop. Hopefully some experienced person can take a look.

That being said, a curvilinear scratch (love that word) can only be caused by a misalignment or foreign object producing abrasion and that translates to resistance.

A focal plane shutter operates much like the escape mechanism of a clock. The accuracy of the shutter speed is now suspect as a scratch translates to unforeseen friction. If it were my new camera I would send it back to Nikon for evaluation.

Alan Marcus

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August 02, 2007

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