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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Pat Harry

How to Use the Nikon 60mm Micro Lens

I'm listing this question, or questions, under "problems with equipment". But I know the problem is with the operator, not the equipment. But I need help!

I purchased my first macro lens - the Nikon 60mm Micro - but I haven't a clue how to use it. And the manual does not help me a bit.

Some questions:
- if I try to use any aperture other than 32, I get "rEE" which means "lens aperture ring not locked at minimum aperture". How do I use anything other than 32?

- I really don't understand what the slider for "limit/full" does.

- There us a M/A switch on the lens for manual and auto focusing. When I change that, do I also have to change the switch on the camera body?

Thanks for your help. If there is a tutorial somewhere that explains how to use this lens, I would love to have it!

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July 06, 2007


Kerry L. Walker
  Sorry I ca't answer all your questions but I will do what I can.

You are getting an error code when you switch from f/32 because you are trying to use a program mode, in which the aperture has to be locked at f/32 to work. Just switch to another mode (AP, M) and you will be able use whatever aperture you want to set.

Not sure what the slider does as I don't have this lens.

M/A switch - try it each way and see. I would suspect that you would have to change it on the camera too.

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July 06, 2007


Jon Close
  The need to keep the aperture ring on f/32 is a limitation of the particular model camera you have. It is the same with any non-G series lens - turn the aperture ring to the largest f-number and set the aperture desired using the controls on the camera. It has to be set that way, regardless of whether you shoot in P, A, S, or M.

"limit/full" I believe refers to the focus range. "Full" will give full range from infinity down to the close focus and 1:1 magnification. "Limit" restricts the focusing to either the macro range, or the normal 1m - infinity (I'm not sure which) so that autofocus doesn't waste time racking the lens through the whole range.

For lenses with A-M switch, the lens has to set to M for manual focus.

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July 06, 2007


Pat Harry
  Thank you! What a huge help!

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July 06, 2007

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