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Category: Problems with Photo Equipment - Tips & Tricks

Photography Question 

Steven Gunnerson

Printing Problems

I'm having trouble printing sunset photographs taken with my Fuji Finepix S7000 digital camera. These photographs typically have very smooth gradient transition in the skys and often times have lots of yellows. When I try to print these photographs, using my HP Photosmart 1115 printer, yellows tend to have a cyan cast to them. Also, instead of printing the nice smooth gradients sometimes the printer is very 'choppy' in it's transition resulting in unsightly strips of color. I've tried a variety of printer settings and also different photo quality paper.

I thought that perhaps my printer wasn't up for the task. So, I saved these photographs as tiff's then took them to one of those Kodak laser printer photo machines they have at Kinkos (and Targets). Although slightly better I still had the same problem occur.

Next, I took my messed up prints and my cd with tiffs to a photolab. They assured me that this would not happen using their better printing equipment and photographic paper. Anyway, same result.

When I got home I opened up one of the tiff's and in Photoshop converted the image to CMYK. By doing so I saw some of the yellows turn slightly cyan. I then desaturated all cyan out of the image and it worked for that particular photograph. However, it didn't work for all of them.

My printer prints almost all of other non-sunset / not gradient images quite well. The photolab also had some trouble printing gradient blues. Any ideas of what could be wrong or tips on how to "fix" my images so that they will at least print well at the photolab?

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July 19, 2004

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