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Category: Is that Photographic Technique Even Possible?

Photography Question 

Susan E. May

Using Digital Camera to 'SEE' Online

Can anyone tell me how to hook up my digital camera to my computer--I have a son in the Army who's 1st baby is coming within DAYS. Because he lives so far away from family we can't BE there. I have a Kodak DC4800 and he has a Kodak DC ?. I appreciate any help. He has to go to Iraq in a few weeks.

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November 19, 2002


doug Nelson
  Your pictures are on a card in your camera. You must take that card out and put it in a card reader that connects to your computer. Did the camera come with any software to load onto your computer to manage photos? I am told the new Windows XE(?) handles digital images smoothly, maybe needing no additional software. Go to your photo store and ask for a card reader. It may come with some software you have to install. (Not hard, just pop in the CD and do what it says).If you have any trouble, ask Kodak at I've found them to be very helpful with Kodak products.

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November 21, 2002


Deb Thomas
  WAIT!!! You shouldn't need to buy a card reader, your camera should have a USB cable that came with it (this is a cable with both ends that look squarish, one looks like a long rectangle.) One end of this cable connects to your camera, the other connects to your computer. Don't worry, you can't plug them in where they don't belong, they only fit one place. Once both ends of the cable are connected, turn the camera power on then power up your computer. Your computer will probably see that the camera is there and want to install the drivers. To do this place the CD-ROM that came with the camera in the computer and follow the instructions on screen. This step only needs to be done for the first connection. Once the camera is connected and communicating with your computer you'll need to email the pictures to your son. Try downloading Picasa at you can email the pictures very easily from this program. Hope that baby gets her safe and sound.

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November 22, 2002


doug Nelson
  I certainly didn't mean to mislead you, Susan. I suppose the Kodak digital I had in the office was an oldie. A December 2000 review of this camera does talk about a USB connection from the camera. It also looks like a fine digital that has enough pixel power to give you great prints as well. Thanks for setting this straight, Deb.

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November 25, 2002

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