BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Is that Photographic Technique Even Possible?

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Teenager, looking for posible future career

I'm 16, and a real photography nut. I absolutely love photography. I would love to become a proffesional, but how to I get started?

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November 08, 2002


Judith A. Clark
  If you love photography you already have a good start. You mind the first part of my answer, practice, practice,practice, and then practice some more, on anything or anyone you can. Look for any classes you can take locally. Camera stores are a good resource, ask if they offer classes or know where you can take them. Sign up for online courses, look right here to start. Start at the begining and don't assume you know everything about anything. Start saving your money now, photography equipment is not cheep exspecialy when you get into prop, backgrounds, and lighting, if you want to go the portriat route. Good luck and don't expect big profits, just do it because you love it and you won't be disappoited

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November 08, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Do you know what kind of photographer you want to be? For some kinds it helps to go to college and study photography. For others you may want to study art. For all you want to study business because no matter what you must first realize that you are running a business. The best photographer won't be in business very long if he doesn't know what he's doing when it comes to running his business.

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November 08, 2002

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