BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Is that Photographic Technique Even Possible?

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Peripheral equipment for TV/Computer Monitors

I am considering a digital camera. Here are my questions - is there hardware or cables out there that will hook up to my computer/ or T.V. monitor from the digital camera with flashcard and allow me to show my pictures that are in the camera or on flashcard on the monitors sort of like a slide show. Thank you.
Hari H.

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October 28, 2002


Piper Lehman
  Hi Hari. Yes, there are cameras that have that ability. I'm not sure if they all do or not, but I'm thinking only the higher-end cameras would offer this function since the cheaper 1.3mp cameras don't have good enough resolution to show large files on a TV screen. My Olympus C-3000 has the capability, but I've never used this option. You should be able to get this info from the manufacturer of the brand you choose--in fact, they will probably market this option loudly. The cables will be separate and generic probably, but the camera will need the output capability. Check product specs for more info. Remember, your TV is essentially just a monitor for picture and sound. As long as the camera will "put out", the TV should be able to handle the images.

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November 10, 2002


Piper Lehman
  Just thought of something. You know you can burn a cd or DVD with a slideshow of your digital shots and play it on your TV through your DVD or CD player. Check your DVD player and see if it will play a music cd. IF so, I think it will play a picture CD too.

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November 10, 2002

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