BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Is that Photographic Technique Even Possible?

Photography Question 

Sreedevi Swaminathan

Torn transparency- fixable?

This is a stupid question, because I pretty much know the answer is no, but I love this picture. I shot a roll of 120mm transparency film of these cool statues to make C-prints from them. I was printing another image on the same strip, and sharing an enlarger with a couple of friends. They were printing 135mm, so I kept my film in the negative carrier and put it aside with my stuff. Well, a few days later, looking at the proofs, I decide to print the last picture on the stip (it was sticking out of the carrier) and find that it was torn. I printed it anyway, and it could be a great picture. It's a really, really clean tear, so I'm wondering if there's any way to lessen the impact- I could probably spot it if I could make it as tiny a line as possible. Any ideas? Thanks.

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October 19, 2002

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