BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Is that Photographic Technique Even Possible?

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Improving an unclear photograph without a negative

Is is possible to do anything with a photograph (ie make a clearer copy) if I only have the picture and not the negative? I have a very important picture that I wanted to make more clear and to enlarge because it is very dark and unclear, but the negatives were lost. If it is possible, who do I go to? Thanks in advance for your help.

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October 18, 2002


David J. Solis
  Here's one suggestion. Scan the photo in with a flatbed scanner (or even better, have a development studio make a larger copy of the photo, and scan that in). Now you can use PhotoShop to perform a sharpening, brightening, etc. Then order a print of the digial photo through Ofoto or Shutterfly.

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October 24, 2002

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