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Category: Is that Photographic Technique Even Possible?

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

1/3 f-stop

I just bought a Tiffen 81A warming filter that calls for a 1/3 f-stop exposure compensation. I own a Pentax MZ-7 which has 1/2 f-stop increments for exposure compensation.

Will photos come out ok if I use 1/2 f-stop compensation or is there a way to achieve the 1/3 f-stop compensation with the Pentax?


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October 17, 2002


Jon Close
  You don't have to make any exposure compensation when using a filter with through-the-lens (TTL) metering, which the MZ-7 has (as have most all modern SLRs).

If you are using a hand-held meter, then yes it is ok to use 1/2 stop compensation instead of 1/3. If your (hand held) meter reading is 1/125 and f/8, then +1/3 compensation would be f/7, +1/2 compensation is f/6.7. The difference between f/7 and f/6.7 is 1/6 stop, which is immaterial to all but the most hyper critical when shooting slides.

If you are using print film a 1/3 stop exposure "error" is immaterial as most consumer print film's exposure latitude is generally -2 to +3 stops.

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October 18, 2002

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