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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Lisa Doyle

What lenses can be used with the Canon 10D

I have had my 10D for about one month now and I would like to know what lenses work with my camera ... I am new to SLR's and I am not sure which lenses are best besides the canon lenses ... It would be great to hear from others who may have the 10D and what they use and what they find best to work with ... I like to take photos of animals, sports and landscapes ...

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April 01, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  A lens has to be made with a canon eos mount. Sigma,tamron,tokina are the usual ones offered. The smaller quantarays are supposed to be made by sigma. One draw back to aftermarket lenses is at times, not a lot, but I have heard of people not having the autofocus work with the body because the lens companies don't pay for all the plans to make a correct mount, so they don't always get it right. Or something like that.
But I've read tamrons as having good quality glass, but sigmas are known to be good and are more common, both in stores and people using them.

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April 01, 2004

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