BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 


Deciding on a digital camera

I would like to purchase a point-and-shoot digital camera but am unsure of which one to go for. I want a camera that produces pictures of high resolution and gives good pictures in low light. Please advise.

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March 30, 2004


Buddy Purugganan
  Angelica, there's a lot available and you need some point-and- shoot with HIGH megapixels for the low light situation you seem concerned about. I suggest the Canon Powershot G3 ( 4.0 megapix ), Minolta Dimage S414 ( 4.1 ), Olympus C-5050 ( 5 megapix), Olympus E20 ( 5.24 megapix ) or Sony Mavica CD-400 ( 4.0 megapix )--just a few recommended and there's more out there in authorized camera outlets!

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April 02, 2004

- Svami Gurupremananda

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Svami Gurupremananda
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  Hi, Here are two sites that review digital cameras, they tell you the pros. and cons. of each camera. Since last four years I have bought four digital cameras, and I always visit these web pages to get information. I am sure you will be able to pick a camera.

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April 10, 2004

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