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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Louis M. Griffin

crt vs flat panel lcd

Is there a large difference in sharpness, color, and overall image quality between crts and flat panels or lcds.

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March 28, 2004


John Wright
  I believe so...
For photo work, I believe that CRT is much, MUCH better. The clarity and crispness isn't matched with the LCDs yet (but I'm sure it won't be long).
One thing I know for sure is that an image worked on a CRT looks totally different on an LCD.

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March 28, 2004


W. L.
  Hello Louis G

Look at the site below

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January 01, 2005


W. L.

I would like to know if any test have been done on LCD vs CRT

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January 01, 2005


lyn winans
  I just got a new Dell XPS system and an Ultrasharp 19" FP monitor. I'm ditching the monitor ... I hate doing photos on it. I'm waiting for recommendations on a new CRT monitor. Any suggestions ??

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May 11, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  While not impossible, LCD screens are much more difficult to work with when doing image editing. As you probably know, when you look at an LCD screen from any angle other than straight on, the image changes drastically. Not so with a CRT.
Apple makes some terrific LCD flat screens up to 30" for their Mac computers. These are the best (and most expensive) LCD screens I have ever viewed, but even they are not as convenient or accurate as, say, a Sony or Lacie CRT monitor (in my opinion!).
Michael H. Cothran

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May 11, 2005

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