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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

portraits with a digital camera

I have a canon rebel, is there a preferred lens(es) for casual portrait-type pictures with this camera? Thanks

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March 23, 2004


Bos Meloy
The Canon 50mm 1.4, or 1.8 (1.8 is less than $100) are good general prime lenses for portraits. Some photographers prefer a long zoom lens so as to blur the background, when focused on the subject, with the Depth of Field ratio. Also, you can adjust the framing of the subject with the zoom feature.
For clarity in portraits, I would probably go with the 50mm 1.4 since it is a "fast" lense and has great optics for a non "L" lens. Hope this helps.

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March 29, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  about the only universal preference is good opitcs. Any lens can be good for a portrait. Some used more than others, but a short tele can put some distance between you and the subject. And some people may feel more at ease with that.
I think a 50mm is under rated for portraits. I like it for cause it gives an intimate feel to it. It has a feel of expanse and closeness. Especially if the person is somebody you're familiar with. I like the perspective it gives you.
But you can blur the background with a 50mm just like telephotos. Just depends on what look you want. You can make a portrait with any lens. A popular one is 100-200mm. Since it's a digital camera, closer to the 100mm end because of the smaller field of view digitals have.

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March 29, 2004

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