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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 


What Telepho Lens should i buy??

I am a beginner when it comes to the art of photography but I do intend to learn alot and become very good, so I want to beable to take good shots. I am purchasing a Canon EOS 300D very soon and want to buy a Telephoto Lens so I can take photos of wildlife and take it to the zoo and take photos of animals etc. Now can anyone recomend to me a certain lens for this camera. I want it to beable to be hand held so I dont need to take a tripod to the zoo if you know what I mean.

Does that mean I need a lens with Image Stabalizer "IS"

If anyone can recomend a lens for me and this camera that would be great. Remember I am a young/beginner but I am and want to learn alot more and do well. If possible consider I am not on the largeswt budget either, but I still want good products.

Thanks I would appriciate any help.

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March 19, 2004


Bos Meloy
  I would get the 75-300mm IS. I also have the 300D. I just bought this lens and have seen some great images with it! (No tripod at the zoo!!)

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March 19, 2004

- Kelly Abernathy

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Kelly Abernathy
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  Hi Jeff - I'm a beginner and really working on learning too. I have a Nikkon camera with the 80-400mm lens with VR (vibration reduction) which is similar to Canon's IS I believe. I've been reading a lot to learn and it seems like the consensus from the books I've read so far has been that the rule of thumb if you are hand held (no tripod) is that your shutter speed should be 1/the length of your lens. (e.g. if I'm shooting at 400mm, my shutter speed should be at least 1/400) Then they went on to say with VR or IS technology, you can get away with slightly slower than that rule. This might help if you know what you're planning to shoot. I love my 80-400 and use it more than anything. Of course, so far I only have two lenses :) Good luck. I've been getting some great advice on this site, so I hope it helps you too. -K

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March 20, 2004

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