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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Dan j. Hillis

Lens Image Stabilization or not?

Getting ready to buy a new Canon EF 75x300mm lens. Does it really matter with this lens if it has IS or not. Is a EF 75x300mm f/4-5.6 III USM the same quailty as the lens with the Image Stabilizer. Thanks dan

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March 15, 2004


Derek Holyhead
  I also looked at replacing my early non USM 75-300 Canon zoom with this one, after a search I found that the ISS lens didn't fair well in 2 independant sites, actually scoring lower on this site:
Also see this site:
As I was basically pleased with the results of my "old" zoom and really only wanted the USM & ISS technology I decided to wait and save for a faster lens. I hope this helps.

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March 16, 2004


Jon Close
  WRT the ratings at photozone, these are very unscientific and are easily skewed by the users' biases and expectations. Averaging the "scores" people assign these lenses does not mitigate the problem of for example:

USER A who
(1) has little or no experience with really sharp primes and zooms, nor makes enlargements greater than 5x7, so
(2) rates the non-IS 75-300 as a "3" or "4"
(3) has no experience with the IS version, and so does not rate it.


User B who
(1) may have experience with really sharp lenses,
(2) judges the performance of his IS zoom by making very large prints or projecting slides, so for his purposes rates it only a "2",
(3) has no experience with the non-IS version and so does not rate it.

WRT photodo, their methods are scientific and uniform, but I would consider the difference in scores between the IS and non-IS versions to be within sampling error and virtually the same. In the detail testing, the IS sample is scored slightly less sharp at 75mm and 135mm, virtually the same at 180mm, and slightly better at 300mm.

Canon's published MTF graphs for these two lenses are virtually indistinguishable.

The MTF measures are a bench test, where the IS feature makes no difference at all. Where IS shows its worth is in real-world situations where the lens is hand-held rather than rigidly mounted on a tripod. Used that way the IS version will return far superior sharpness due to the elimination of camera shake.

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March 16, 2004


Bos Meloy
  I have the 75-300 IS. I also have the Sigma 70-300mm APO Macro Super II. I like both of them, but if were at a concert or a low light situation and needed a shot without a tripod, the Canon IS is the one I reach for. The images are very good and it allows you to open up a couple of stops more than you would with a non-IS lens. Worth the $$$.

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March 29, 2004

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