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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Liz Novak

The Expodisc

Has anyone heard of the Expodisc. I found it while doing some research on white balance. I haven't had any formal training, I learn everything by studying myself. The exposdisc is supposed to create the perfect white balance, without a gray card and only minor work in editing after the picture is taken. I have a Nikon D100 that I will use it with. Thanks for the help.

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March 12, 2004


Jon Close
  The matrix metering of the D100 is pretty damn good, I don't think it is necessary. The ExpoDisc is also pretty expensive ($90 for 58mm), as much or more than an incident light meter (which would be more useful), which is what the ExpoDisc emulates.

See for an inexpensive but effective way to fine tune your exposures.

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March 12, 2004


Jon Close
  Sorry, responded with respect to metering exposure rather than white balance. Are you having trouble getting the proper white balance? I'd be surprised since besides the presets for typical lighting it has an auto function and can also be adjusted manually.

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March 12, 2004

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