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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Choosing the Right Digital Camera

I am in the market to buy a digital and wonder what I should do. I currently own all Minolta stuff but have been contemplating Nikon gear since I shoot Sports Photography. Would it be better to wait till the new Minolta comes out to see what it offers or should I change to something like the D70 or even a D2H.

Steve Gibson

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March 03, 2004


Piper Lehman
  I don't know squat about Minolta digitals, but if you shoot sports and action, from what I hear, you need the D2H. The D70 won't measure up as far as shutter lag and frames per second. The D2H was built for action. It is 'the' photojournalist's camera. I'm sure Canon has something comparable, but I wouldn't know which one to suggest, since I use only Nikon cameras.

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March 23, 2004

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