BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Estela Bermudez

Where to buy lenses, filters, etc?

Which is the best web address to buy lenses,, filters, etc? I would need a store that specifies which lens fits my camera because I really have no idea!!
Thank you for your help!

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March 01, 2004


Loren Roque
  Be very careful with lenses! I have seen feedback from folks who bought "off brand" lenses which just don't work! Some of them are so bad the camera's autofocus system will not function, and others are so bad you cannot even focus manually. There are some that even if you get a focus, the image is not a quality job. Trust me when I say that there are probably thousands of folks out there who bought teleconverter lenses and/or wide-angle lenses, and the lens is a paperweight now. If you do choose an off brand (some of which may actually function properly), I would go to the camera store and see if they would let you mount that lens and snap off some images. See if it works, if the AF system still functions, can you manually focus still. Go home and zoom in on details in the test shots....any distortions? Mind you I am not saying you are stuck with buying a Sony lens for a Sony camera. I own a Sony DSC-F828, and I want a teleconverter. The Sony option is well over $200.00, but Olympus has lenses that will work, one costing slightly over $100.00. But I have read postings from Sony F707/F717 owners about lenses like Opteka, Phoenix, et cetera.....these stories didn't say anything like "this was the best purchase I ever made." These folks got reamed!

Caveat Emptor,
Loren Roque

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March 09, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  I get my stuff online at adorama.

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March 09, 2004


Wing Wong
  Hi Estela,

Not knowing what camera body you have, it's kinda hard to say. But to generalize a bit:

Bayonet mount lens:

These are lens which are direct swappable replacements for the lens which attach to the camera body. EF mount, K mount, T mount, etc are various forms of mounted lenses.

You can buy the same branded lens as your camera; Canon EF lens for EOS camera bodies, nikon/nikor glass for Nikon bodies, etc.

Third party manufacturers usually produce lenses which will work with the camera, but have different quality and characteristics. The more well known brands include Tamron and Sigma.

Thread Lens:

These are the "filter" lens which fits onto the camera's lens tube. These include the various "effects" filters like: warmin filters, IR filters, UV filters, soft focus filters, etc. These also include closeup and teleconverters like the +1->+10 macro or close-up lenses which allows you to take pictures of smaller things. The teleconvertors which range from 1.3x to 2.0x and in some cases, 5x. These increase your focal length by their multiplier and give you a longer reach at a cost of some image quality.

Filter lenses have a size to them ranging from 15mm to 72mm+. This is the diameter of the filter. Most digicams and camcorders have a filter size of 20mm-35mm. Digital cameras and some film cameras have filter sizes ranging from 35mm-72mm.

I've had good experiences with the following online stores:

Beach Camera
B&H Photo

Prices range greatly, so you will want to do some research as to what lens it is that you are looking for and how much you want to spend vs quality.

Good luck!

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March 09, 2004

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