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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Rosalind McClam

digital cameras

i have read about the new d70 nikon slr
digital camera. I was wondering if this
would suit my purpose of nature/wildlife
photography? I already have a Nikon n80
with a 70-300 lens so I am hoping to use
this lens on the digital camera can anyone tell me if I would be able to use this camera for my photos and get good results.

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February 24, 2004


  If you are already good take pictures with the N80, you should do good with the D70. The techniques of photography are the same. It's just different storage media. Your 70-300 lens should be able to work on the D70 too. Hope this helps.

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February 25, 2004


Piper Lehman
  Rosalind, you should also know that, generally, you will get better images from this lens with the D70 than with the N80, though the N80 is an excellent camera. The lens is probably not the best to test the limits of the N80, but it will work fine with the D70. I have an N90s and the D100. My 'lesser' quality lenses are acceptable with my D100 where they fall short with the N90s and film. I know there is a technical reason for this, but I forget where I read about it. You might be able to find a deal on a "kit" when buying your D70. I suggest finding one with one of the new wide angle zooms, since the 70-300 will turn into a 105-450 with the D70 (1.5x on Nikons, 1.6 with some Canons). I have the 24-85 and the 14mm non-fisheye, which are, respectively, 36-127mm and 21mm with my D100. I like wide angle shooting more than I do telephoto, but the more extreme you get on either end, the more you will pay.

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March 23, 2004


Piper Lehman
  Oops! That should've been '14mm fisheye' and not the 'non' fisheye. The 14mm FE will be less 'fishy-eyed' with the 1.5x magnification of digital. Does this make sense? :)

ALso, my 14mm FE is a Sigma, not the Nikon. It's a great lens though.

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March 23, 2004

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