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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Best Value Digital for Indoor Sports

Please recommend an affordable (<$1000) digital camera that will produce respectable action shots of indoor sports, namely volleyball. I realize a lot depends on the photographer, and there's the problem. I have used a Sony Cybershot DSC-S30 for three years, and it works great for my business (real estate), which involves taking pictures of buildings in daylight. But unless I'm missing something, it's pretty useless for any kind of action (indoors our outdoors) because of the delayed shutter response. I mention that so you'll have an idea of my digital experience (limited mostly to still photos of buildings). Before that I have used numerous SLR's, but would probably be classified as a beginning to intermediate-level amateur photographer at best. I don't mind a learning curve, but user-friendliness would be a big plus. I can typically get very close to the action, like right on the sidelines. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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February 24, 2004


Kathy Wight
  I recommend the Nikon D100 it is about $1,000 (for the body only) if you really shop around. I found a website that packages the D100 with a couple lenses and other goodies for $1,500 ( not too bad of a deal for a full kit. Batteries are not included; however you can probably find some good prices on Ebay (that’s where I got mine). I have used a lot of the Nikon Digital cameras and I like the D100 because it is 6 mega pixels and it has a lot of options, also it is light weight, which is really helpful if you have a long shoot. I have found that the D100 works pretty well in low light, I have shot a few wedding receptions using it and it worked fine. If you don't already have Speedlight flash that is probably going to be another investment (however the D100 does have a pop up flash). Overall I think that you will be very happy with the quality of the D100, it is a very good camera for the price.

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February 24, 2004

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