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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 


Nikon D100 purchase.

I'm trying to buy Nikon's D-100 digital camera body. I ran into a problem along the way. So many of the companies that sell the Nikon D-100 have terrible reviews. Low prices and almost criminal credentials has thrown my search into a tail spin. No one with a good price has positive feedback from its customer base. Many of the stores I looked at list under multiple names and phone numbers. Some even act like they're private individuals. I've found no one who I can trust. This includes E-Bay's many Power Sellers. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to find an honest Nikon dealer who can sell me a D-100 and stand behind the sale?

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February 24, 2004


Jon Close
  Trying to get the lowest price from these unknown sellers is a fool's errand. There's really no need to look any farther than

Just my humble opinion. Others also swear by and

If you find a price too good to be true, it is.

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February 24, 2004


Roy Breslawski
  A couple of other alternatives that I have been very satisfied with:
Cameta Camera which has an eBay store and Norman Camera in Michigan. You can find them at

If you buy from the deep discounters you will most likely get burned. It's worth paying a fair price for the peace of mind.

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February 24, 2004


  will back up jon's advice on b&h, have dealt with them before - good shop!
don't know where you live, but there should be a nikon dealer somewhere near you or go to circuit city or best buy. at least you can play with them, if they are in stock and if the need arixes,the return is a no-hassel experience.

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March 14, 2004


Piper Lehman
  B&H or Adorama - definitely the best choices for the best (real) prices and best customer service.

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March 23, 2004

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