BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Jill H. Oldfield

Photoshop Elements 2.0 vs. MS Digital Image Pro 7

Has anyone had experiance with both Photoshop Elements 2.0 and Microsoft Digital Image Pro 7.0?
I just recieved both for my birthday, and don't know if it is worth installing both. I used to work in Adobe Photo Deluxe-Buisness Edition 1.0 - which I no longer have access to. I recieved MS Digital Image from a friend (disc only, no book),and on top of that my husband purchased PS Elements from Costco for $40 after coupons and rebates. MS Digital Image looks pretty good so far - very user friendly for a novice like me. The real question is- is PS Elements all that much better? Since I have not yet opened the box, I still have the option to return it

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February 24, 2004

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