I have been using Tamaron and Sigma lens..."> I have been using Tamaron and Sigma lens..."/>

BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

William Grimmer

Canon Lens vs Others

Has anyone changed from using "Other" lenses to Canon lenses and actually seen a differnece in image quality?

I have been using Tamaron and Sigma lens on a Canon 10D and have not been happy with the image quality. I avoided buying the Canon lens because of price but I am to the point I'm ready to spend the extra money IF there is a seeable diffenece in image quality.

Can anyone help?

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February 24, 2004


  Before you spend big bucks on the Canon lens, there may be ways that you can improve the image. First start with your lenses. Do you know the range of zoom setting and the f stop that will give you the optimum result? Did you use a lens hood? A tripod? Is the lens clean? If you use a filter, is it a good quality one? Even your focusing technique could affect the image quality.

Unless you spend a fortune on the L series lenses, the different of quality is not that much noticeable. I have a Tamron 28-200mm XR on my backup EOS F1000n and a Canon 28-135mm IS USM on my other EOS canera. I brought both cameras and lenses on several trips and the results were very similar. One thing for sure, the fixed focal length lenses are MUCH sharper than the zoom lenses. I also have a Canon 50mm f1.4 and 100mm f2.8 macro and they are sharper than the zooms at those focal length. This is just my 2 cents. Hope this helps.

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February 24, 2004


William Grimmer

I appreciate the info. I use a lens hood, a tripod and the lenses are clean. The only filter I use is a cir. polarizer when needed. As for as the range of zoom setting and the f stop that will give me the optimum result, I don't know. Do the zoom lenses only work good at certain ranges or f/stops? I thought that was a benefit of using zoom lenses so you don't have to buy so many fixed lenses.

I have read comments about how clear and sharp the Canon "L" lenses are. Since I nevered owned one I can only go by those comments. Maybe all zoom lenses are the same regardless of manufacturer.

Again, thanks for the info.

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February 24, 2004


  This site, www.popphoto.com, do a lot of lens testing. Try to look for your lens and see their test results. I am looking at the EF 17-40mm f/4.o L lens for its wider angle and weather resistance feature. This is the cheapest among the L series lenses and still cost over $700. How often do I need to enlarge to a poster size? Does it really make a different for 8x10 prints? Sometimes I even go back to use my Canon AT-1 with the FD 50mm f1.4 and FD 135mm f2.0 lenses and I am happy with the results. If I have all those money to buy the L series lenses ...

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February 24, 2004

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