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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Lisa Doyle

Where to purchase Canon EOS 10D on line

I have looked and looked online for a good price on the Canon EOS 10D, I have found prices from 989 - 2,00 US ...I was wondering if anyone knows of a good site to purchase this camera, a site that you or someone you know has used...



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February 23, 2004


  lisa, a very good on-line store is good prices and they are honest dealers. they also sell rated used equip, etc.

will give you a headsup on the 10d, I was going to buy one, but ran into some focusing problems, etc. on some of the units - check

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March 14, 2004


John Wright
  There are some very good places to buy online. I've had good luck with 47th Street Photo. There is one place I would say to avoid:

DO NOT BUY from Royal Camera!

They advertise a low price, but stip everything out of the box. No battery, no nothing. I was about to buy a 10D from them, but after calling them, I got the feeling that the sales guy was a slime and would do anything to rip me off.

Just my 2 pennies... Good Luck!

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March 15, 2004


Ryan Chai
  I shop for all of my supplies from B&H Photo they are good people and will not rip you off.

Good luck, that's a nice camera!

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March 15, 2004


Dan j. Hillis
  Buyer beware! Watch out for the low priced online dealers. I checked out many when I bought my 10D and they are bogus! You many not get what you think you are paying for. Buy from a Canon authorized dealer and you should be fine. B&H Photo is good. I bought mine from , you have to email them for there price. At the time I purchased they were the lowest authorized dealer. Good Luck

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March 15, 2004


Dan j. Hillis
  Follow up: Web site correction, A little note on the so called low priced sellers.

MAP, or Minimum Advertised Price, is a policy that some companies have to try and control the level of discounting taking place in the free market. In some markets, like the camera market, fraudulent pricing practices on the part of unscrupulous mail order dealers has created a major problem for manufacturers. A quick search of the Internet for any particular camera will turn up a half dozen or so dealers that are advertising the camera for below dealer cost. Of course the consumer does not know that these prices are below cost. To the consumer this looks like a bargain, rather than the fraud that it is. To combat this problem, some companies have instituted a tough new MAP policy for its authorized dealers that forbids them from advertising, even on a web page, any prices below the MAP prices that they set. Of course, price fixing is against the law in the United States, and a dealer can sell the product for any price he or she chooses. However, if a dealer choses to break the MAP price, he forfeits his "promotional" money which is issued quarterly. Without the quarterly bonus money, your cost becomes too high to be able to afford to break MAP. Thus, it is impossible for an authorized dealer to break MAP and make money. What is allowed is to negotiate a "private" deal with a customer. This means that if you call, or email us, we will quote you a better price than the MAP

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March 16, 2004

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