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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Lisa Doyle

Differance between the Canon 300D Rebal and EOS D

I am trying to research what exactly is the differance between the Canon Digital Rebal and the 10D, preformance...I know the body on the Rebal is much differant, I know the photos come out just about the same but can you catch more with the 10D faster ??? Are the night or low lights shots better with the 10D ??? Can you use the LCD screen to take a photo on the 10D, I read you can not with the Rebal...If anyone can help I would appreciate some advice or if anyone knows of a good web site to go to and compare the two...Thanks ...

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February 20, 2004


Nick Milton
  hey lisa,

I researched these 2 cams,and decided to go with the 300 D,I purchased it for an extra cam,but its now all I use,i love it,I have several lenses,and t covers nearly everything,the 10D is a great cam,but the extra 1000 bucks australian,i deceided wasnt wrth it.

good luck


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February 20, 2004


Jon Close
  I don't think that any digital SLRs allow the use of the LCD as a viewfinder. The reason is they all have the digital sensor behind the shutter and mirror.

Much of the guts of the 300D and 10D are shared (same image sensor and exposure meter). The difference is similar to the differences between the film-based Rebel Ti and Elan 7, the higher model doesn't necessarily make better photos but it has more professional-type features, and flexibility. The 10D allows you to specifically choose the metering and autofocus modes (Partial/Centerweighted/Evaluative, One Shot/AI Focus/AI Servo) and has custom functions to taylor other functions to your preference.

If you like wide angle and are on a budget the 300D is hard to pass on since it is the only Canon DSLR that can use the cheap but good EF-S 18-55 f/3.5-5.6 which gives the view of a 28-90 zoom on a 35mm film camera.

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February 21, 2004

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