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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Sharon Piller

Digital camera - Canon Rebel

I have a small photography business and am all self taught - still learning actually - I am shooting with a NikonF70
and need to purchase a second camera for
my business. I am interested in a
Canon Rebel and want to know if anyone
has any opinions about them. I was
originally going to go Nikon Digital but
a friend has a Rebel to sell at a reduced price. What do you think?

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February 19, 2004


Wing Wong
  Which Nikon digital were you going to and do the lens you have for your NikonF70 work with the Nikon digital you were considering?

Glass is expensive. It was the primary reason why I bought a fixed zoom lens setup instead of an interchangable lens slr.

Personally, I think the rebel feels very light and "plastic" in the hand. Control-wise, it is fine. No worse or better than other digital interchangable lens SLRs. The thing that bugged me was the fact that it is a "weaker" form of the 10D. (see

The viewfinder is clear and bright, but not nearly as much as the 10D or the D60. The shutter speed is okay, but it does cause vibration in the body when the mirror flips.

It is a good general camera. Other good 6MP cameras would be the D100 and D70 from Nikon. The *ist-d from Pentax. The E-1 from Olympus. The Fuji S7000, S2, and S2pro cameras. (The S2pro has incredible noise control, btw!)

If time is not an immediate pressing matter, you may wish to wait a bit for news of the new breed of 8MP digital cameras coming out. All for presumably under $1000 as well. :)

The Digital rebel(300D in UK, KISS Digital in Japan) is a fine camera. I strongly recommend going to a shop and holding one and taking some unloaded shots with it first though.

Oh! The Digital rebel cannot use the LCD as a digital viewfinder. The viewfinder function on the camera is optical only. You can review your pictures on the LCD, but you cannot use it to frame the shot. That was another issue which swayed my decision away from the Digital Rebel.

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February 19, 2004

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