BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 



I have a C-700UZ digital camera. I want to buy a telephoto lense for it. What is the most powerful lense I can use.
Who sells it.etc.

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February 08, 2004


Damian P. Gadal
  The C-700UZ is a zoom camera, it's not a digital SLR, meaning that the lens isn't removable. There are accessories for the camera though - perhaps that's what you're thinking.

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February 08, 2004


Dave Kone
  You have a 10x optical zoom build into the camera. That is more zoom than most people put on their SLR cameras! Well except for maybe bird photography.

The problem you will have even at 10x is holding the camera still. I find that over 6x camera shake becomes hard to deal with and a tripod is needed.


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February 09, 2004


  What accessory lense can I use.

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February 09, 2004

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